
Knüpfe neue Kontakte, finde spannende Impact Startups und Organisationen im Netzwerk.


Julius Palm
Director Sustainability & Innovation @followfood GmbH

Timo Thorhauer
Projektleiter Moorparkgarten (Gemeinschaftsgarten im Jenfelder Moorpark) in Hambu...

Ute Rohrbeck
Co-Founder/Koordinator Werkhalle @Wir bauen Zukunft, Leiterin Malsaal @Mecklenb...

Erhard Maria Klein
Freier Webentwickler @Weitblick Internetwerkstatt

Merit Langenbacher
Studentin @Utopie-Konferenz @Leuphana Universität Lüneburg


Oôon Zèaqr
teilt etwas mit · vor etwa 2 Jahren

dOcutOpiA hAckAthOn inVitAtiOn 11.3.-13.3.22


Work on Docutopia 2.o has started and the first prototype can be reached at https://new.docutopia.de. * There are three types of entries: - Places - Events (temporary places) - People (with profiles) * Profiles have - avatar - offers - needs - free text * Registration / Login ...to create a profile and share your location. Sharing of places and events does not require registration/login.

hAckAthOn Event:



Location: Mènde QUELLHOFSTR.41 34127 Kassel

Online Streaming will start Friday at 20:30 in our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/DOcUTOPIA2022

For further information please send a mail to: [email protected]


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