Offers and Needs Market online — community gift exchange
Das ist auf Englisch, da auch die Veranstaltung auf Englisch sein wird:
Have these times of crises led you to explore more belonging and purpose in your communities?
Fancy meeting people who share your values and desires for a better world, while gaining more clarity about what you need and what you can actually offer others?
Then join us next week on July 29 for an online exchange to experiment with gift economy principles and time banking, hosted by Bold New World explorers Carolin and Jon, and based on a format by Post Growth Institute.
You might even find ideas, resources, or collaborators for current or future projects!
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/288795282467246/
Register: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/jonslack/394844
Wellness event by Wellbeing Collective Online on Wednesday, July 29 2020
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