Fjnagwr Urvamr
teilt etwas mit · vor mehr als 2 Jahren

Offering the Gift of Life

Liebe Reflectas,

dies ist eine herzliche Einladung zu dem vom Long Yang e.V. organisierten Tshethar Ritual am 22.7. in Gauting bei München.


In the midst of nature, fish are released into freedom.  
Set free into the river Würm, in the beautiful surroundings of the Schlosspark Gauting.  
An act of generosity: offering animals threatened with death a new life in freedom.   
Actively contribute by setting fish free. 
Strengthening one’s own life force: By helping others one helps oneself. 
An opportunity for guests to experience a traditional Puja. 
Tsethar Ritual with Tulku Khyungdor Rinpoche.  
A ceremony based on wisdom and compassion. 
Reconnecting with nature. 
Celebrating the preciousness of life.   


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