Senamvfxn Xbua
teilt etwas mit · vor mehr als einem Jahr

Wir vergrößern unser Team! Wir suchen ab nächstem Jahr einen Facilitator und Projektkoordinator in Vollzeit und eine studentische Hilfskraft in Teilzeit.

We are hiring!

In order to drive our work at Unity Effect forward strategically and operationally, we are currently looking for two new people to join our team, starting between January and March 2023.  

Facilitator and project coordinator - full time

Work with us to expand and deepen our workshop portfolio around collaborative leadership and teamwork, (digital) facilitation and regenerative impact.

(Student) Assistant - mini-job basis, 8-10 hours per week

Supporting in background research and conceptual work, including developing and maintaining a database to consolidate our knowledge and experience. 

Are you interested, or know someone else who might be? Feel invited to spread the word! 

You can find information about the position, requirements, conditions and application process on our website.

Themen: Facilitation · Impact · Startup

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