
Hi all! 

My passions are building community, social engagement and, well, making the world a better place :) 

Most of these passions are connected to my free time - I organise hikes for an international group of people (and currently working on involving refugees and immigrants, too), I volunteer for and support two coding bootcamps and most recently, I started finding my way into climate protection and adaptation. This is however a harder task so I am happy to connect with everyone working in this field. 

Professionally, I am coming from a completely different background to any of the above-mentioned passions. 

I finished Criminal Investigation studies and eventually, a few years ago, decided to change my profession and enter the IT waters. 

I self-studied Web development and had a fun journey of building a new career by working in the Digital Marketing field, Web Analytics and currently in Programmatic and Real-Time-Bidding Advertising. 

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