Alles zum Thema Achtsamkeit
Finde hier passende Menschen, Organisationen, Unternehmen und Impact Startups, die sich mit dem Thema Achtsamkeit beschäftigen.
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Verein Anders besser leben e.V.
Alina Klisch - Systemisches Coaching & Queere Bildung
Ankündigungen / Neuigkeiten
ACE Leadership Excellerator für Frauen im Not-for-Profit Bereich
Das ACE-Programm wurde speziell für weibliche Führungskräfte im gemeinnützigen Bereich entwickelt: NGOs, Unis, öffentlicher Sektor, Zivilgesellschaft. Es unterstützt sie dabei, die komplexen Herausforderungen noch besser zu meistern und gleichzeitig ihre Resilienz zu stärken. Das Programm bringt Frauen aus der ganzen Welt zusammen und wird auf Englisch gehalten. Die nächste Gruppe startet im Januar in Wien. Weitere Informationen zum Programm und den Registrierungslink gibt es hier –
Wenn ihr Organisationen kennt, die sich dafür interessieren könnten, das Programm zu unterstützen, dann findet ihr hier auch ein Partner Kit:
Vielen Dank fürs Teilen ✨
Community Call - Intro to Conflict Transformation: How can understanding the root causes of conflict support system change?
In this call, we will explore how our nervous system plays a crucial role in the transformation of conflicts. Conflict is never ‘out there’ - it always starts ‘in here’: as an inner experience of emotional overload, of ‘too much’. This call is based on a modern, nervous system-based and trauma-informed approach to conflict transformation. You will learn to breathe more deeply in conflict situations and to integrate your own emotional experiences in a sustainable way. This helps you to first be there "for yourself" in a conflict. Only then can you really be there for others. In this way, you become the change you want to see in the world. What previously appeared to be a conflict becomes a challenge to which you can respond in a mature and flexible way. Where before you could only react, now you have a choice.
In this call, you will get an introduction to:
- Neurobiological foundations of conflict
- Loop of Common Sense: a practical conflict intervention tool
- Co-regulation: the integration of negative emotions in conflict
- Conflict transformation in the organic speed of the nervous system
Register here:
The call will be hosted by Diana Oser, collaboratio helvetica’s community & partnership coordinator, and our guest Daniel Remigius Auf der Mauer.
Daniel Remigius Auf der Mauer is the founder of nervous system-based and trauma-informed conflict transformation. Since 2021, he has been providing highly acclaimed training and education courses that address the emotional core causes of crises. He also develops and leads structured group processes for the integration of collective trauma. In doing so, he creates a unique synthesis between profound practical transformation and modern scientific knowledge. From January 2021 to March 2024, more than 1400 participants have attended Daniel's trainings. This has created a committed community of people who actively support each other in the emotional processing of individual and collective overload.
Who can join the call? Everyone interested in learning more about the topic is warmly welcome to join the call. Don’t hesitate to invite your friends and whomever you feel would benefit from this call.
When: December 17, 18:00-19:30 CEST
Fee: Free of charge
Language: English
Where: The call will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the link, as it will be sent to you by e-mail one day before the call.
Author Cara de Lange about "Redefining Success"
This event is offered by the Women Lead Community (WLC) and is for women only to create a safe space. The link is leading to the event details on the WLC where you can RSVP:
Please make sure to register on the WLC at least 10 minutes prior to the event!
About the Workshop:
Cara de Lange will come to share her experience & tips to Redefine Your Success & How to step Fully into your Power as a woman while preventing burnout, which she writes about in her book Softer Success. She will also share concrete tools and best practices.
About Cara: My work brings science and the heart together. Author of Softer Success, Prevent Burnout, Find Balance & Redefine Your Success, I’ve spent the last 8 years researching burnout, our complex nervous systems and what brings us joy and have worked with psychologists, scientists and researchers at King’s College London, Sheffield University, Imperial College London, Leuven University and am part of the Human Flourishing Network at Harvard.
I teach you how to alchemise your life & your business with flow & joy. I’m a Business Alchemist, Mentor, Author, Speaker, Heartful leader, Researcher, Consultant, Mother and Nature lover. Cara focuses on Leading from the Heart, Redefine Your Success, Authentic Self Expression, Prosperity & implementing Business Intuition
The event is part of the WLC Learning Offers. The WLC also offers regular peer-coaching and networking formats.
My Work My work brings science and the heart together. Author of Softer Success, Prevent Burnout, Find Balance & Redefine Your Success, I’ve spent the l...
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ACE Leadership Excellerator für Frauen im Not-for-Profit Bereich
Community Call - Intro to Conflict Transformation: How can understanding the ...
Author Cara de Lange about "Redefining Success"
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