Alles zum Thema Engagement

Finde hier passende Menschen, Organisationen, Unternehmen und Impact Startups, die sich mit dem Thema Engagement beschäftigen.

Menschen im

Jan-Markus Dieckmann
Leitung Kultur-Dschungel @Sommertheater im Nerotal e.V.

Community-Bereiche im


SPIN Forum
SPIN - Social and Personal Innovation - ForumWir wollen Wissenschaft (be)greifb...

Unternehmen, Organisationen und Vereine im


Stiftung Bürgermut
Bildung & Forschung
Die Stiftung Bürgermut ist ein Ort für soziale Innovationen. Wir verbinden Ideen ...
17. Umsetzungsmittel und globale Partnerschaft stärken

Raute Film
Bildung & Forschung, Kunst & Kultur, Medien, Werbung & Marketing
Hallo, wir sind Raute Film, die nachhaltige Filmproduktion für gute Ideen. Ob I...
4. Bildung für alle
13. Klimawandel bekämpfen
17. Umsetzungsmittel und globale Partnerschaft stärken

Stiftung Bildung
Unsere Vision ist es, beste Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche zu fördern. Dafür ...
1. Armut beenden
3. Gesundes Leben für alle
4. Bildung für alle
Gemeinnütziger Verein

Bike Bridge e.V.
Gesundheit, Mobilität & Reisen, Vereine & Organisationen
Unsere Mission ist es, Brücken zwischen Menschen, Projekten und Organisationen zu...
3. Gesundes Leben für alle
5. Gleichstellung der Geschlechter
10. Ungleichheit verringern

IG Langhuus
Essen & Trinken, Freizeit, Kunst & Kultur
Unser Verein setzt sich mit Engagement für ein lebendiges, spannendes und multifu...
11. Nachhaltige Städte und Kommunen

KulturTragWerk Sachsen e. V.
Beratung, Bildung & Forschung, Freizeit, Kunst & Kultur, Vereine & Organisationen
Wir sind ein Trägerverein für Kultur-Projekte. Wir stehen für Projekte aus Sachse...
4. Bildung für alle
8. Nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle
9. Widerstandsfähige Infrastruktur und nachhaltige Industrialisierung

Ankündigungen / Neuigkeiten

teilt etwas mit · vor 5 Tagen

Klimachecke deine Kommune!

Kennst du deine Kommune wirklich?

Bewerte das Engagement deiner Kommune im Bereich Klimaschutz und leiste damit einen Beitrag zu mehr Klimagerechtigkeit vor Ort. 

Du willst Klimachecker werden? ⇒ 

"Stadt.Land.Klima!" will klipp und klar zeigen, wie ernst es den Kommunen mit dem Klimaschutz wirklich ist. Dafür bewerten engagierte Einwohner:innen ihre Kommune. 

Bist du dabei?

Schreib uns unter [email protected] an und wir melden uns bei dir.

#stadtlandklima #kommunalerklimaschutz #klimachecker #fridaysforfuture #engineersforfuture und #creativesforfuture

Ivetvavn Ebofba
teilt etwas mit · vor 11 Tagen

Citizens’ Assemblies: How can they foster democratic participation?

In this call, we will discuss concrete examples of national Citizens' Assemblies in Switzerland and explore their capacity to enhance democratic participation. Citizens' Assemblies are participatory formats where participants are randomly drawn from the general population, aiming to create an inclusive and representative sample of the population. These assemblies serve as platforms for collectively identifying and developing solutions to complex issues, fostering broader civic engagement and producing socially supported solutions. You will be invited to propose specific topics of interest during the discussions and have the opportunity to learn from our guest's experiences with Citizens' Assemblies.

Jany Barraut and Sarah Friederich, who have been part of the process design and facilitation teams of the Citizens' Assembly on Food Policy and the Future Council U24 on Mental Health, are going to share about their experiences, answer questions and explore topics you might want to discuss further.

The call will be hosted by Diana Oser, collaboratio helvetica's community & partnership coordinator, and our two guests and independent facilitators, Jany Barraut and Sarah Friederich.

Jany Barraut is an experienced facilitator and practitioner well versed in participatory processes and approaches in complex and multicultural environments. 

Sarah Friederich is an experienced facilitator specialized in designing and facilitating participatory group processes and dialogue formats.

Who can join the call?
Anyone interested in learning more about the topic and getting to know Collaboratio Helvetica is warmly welcome to join the call, so don't hesitate to invite your friends and whomever you feel would benefit from this call.

When: May, 06, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. CEST

Fee: Free of charge

Language: English

Where: The call will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the link, as it will be sent to you by e-mail one day before the call.

If you can't register via the sign-up form for any reason, please send an email to [email protected]
Ivetvavn Ebofba
teilt etwas mit · vor 25 Tagen

Reflections on Youth4Switzerland: What drives young changemakers of today?

In this call, we are going to delve into the heart of the Youth4Switzerland project, a one-year-long initiative by collaboratio helvetica, dedicated to nurturing youth involvement for a sustainable future and empowering young changemakers in different ways. Our guest Loukina Tille, Catalyst, former team member and co-lead of Youth4Switzerland, will discuss how the initiative came about, and share the hurdles she encountered as well as the successes she achieved. Last but not least, we will have the opportunity to talk about Loukina’s journey as a young changemaker in Switzerland, and how she navigates the complexities of today’s challenges.

The call will be hosted by Diana Oser, collaboratio helvetica’s community fairy, Katalin Hausel from collaboratio helvetica, who mentored and co-facilitated the project, and our guest Loukina Tille, Catalyst, former team member and co-lead of the Youth4Switzerland project from 2022 until 2023.
Loukina Tille is a political science student at the University of Zurich. She has been active in the Climate Strike movement where she was involved in the organisation of SMILE in August 2019, which brought together 400 young climate activists from 38 countries, and other events. She wants to deepen her understanding of system change and practice it. For that reason, she is involved in different projects; the Fossil Fuel Treaty, in the student association of political scientists and as a firekeeper at the World Ethic Forum. 

Who can join the call?
Everyone interested in learning more about the topic and getting to know collaboratio helvetica is warmly welcome to join the call, so don’t hesitate to invite your friends and whomever you feel would benefit from this call.

When: April, 15, 18:00–19:30 CEST 

Fee: Free of charge

Language: English

Where: The call will take place online on Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the link, as it will be sent to you by e-mail one day before the call.

If you can't register via the sign-up form for any reason, please send an email to [email protected]
Themen: Engagement · Klimaschutz

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